Wednesday, May 30, 2012

More than enough

It's one of those nights... too hot to sleep and the power is out...again. By 1 am you can only imagine all the different things that have run through my prayers at this point. From  honest pleas  of souls to be saved to selfish requests of mercy that the power would come back on. It's on nights like this ( and they have been a few too often lately) that I begin to ponder through the last year. All that God has done. How He has changed me, ways that I still need to change, and honest reflections of who I have seen God to be.

I suppose because it was the last day teaching my high schoolers this year, or because it's 1 am, or incredibly hot that I am more emotional than normal but I was looking through my prayer journal and stopped at the day I was leaving America. I was sitting on the plane and in my journal was begging God, "please, please... be enough." Don't send me and then not be enough for me. My pleading followed by the still voice of God saying... "I am." The longer I sat tonight and looked back I am so thankful to say that He is enough.  Often times we don't follow the Lord's leading or prompting because we are afraid that He is not going to be enough. I think of the number of times over the past 23 years that the Lord has prompted me to act in obedience in sharing His Truth, or in giving, or in acting in His spirit... and then  I stop... because I am not sure that He will be enough if I am rejected by the world.

But He is...  He is steadfast love, He is patience,  He is joy, He is peace,  He is faithfulness, He is hope, He is comfort, He is Almighty, He is ENOUGH... to forsake all earthly things for the sake of following Him.
He is more than enough....