Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This past month has been busy as I finished up my work with the children’s ministry at my home church. I am so thankful for the opportunity to work those precious children. I also attended my ABWE training. It was such a great time of learning and encouragement. The time was beneficial and exciting as many last minute details were finalized.

While I was at training my financial support came in at 80%. What an encouragement and blessing! God has been so good! I was also given clearance to begin my two years overseas. I will be flying out on Saturday, September 3rd. This next month will be filled with time with my family, packing, and goodbyes. My brother and sister-in-law are coming in for the first two weeks of August. I am excited for two weeks of vacation with my entire family! Then the packing and goodbyes begin.

I will arrive in South Asia on September 5thWe will begin teacher training and in-service as we get ready for the new school year; school will begin on September 14th. (A little late this year because of the Muslim Holiday Eid-ul-Fitr) This will give me some time to get settled, prepare my classroom and home, buy a whole new native wardrobe, and begin to build relationships with my students and community.

I am so thankful for each of you in my life. The prayers, support, love, and encouragement has blessed me more than I could ever fully express. God has been so gracious and faithful in these last few months. The date is set. The tickets are bought. Finances are at 80%. Praise the Lord that He is a God of details and order. He cares about the day to day moments and seeks Glory in each step that is taken. The gracious love of our Lord is at times overwhelming and always a wonder for those He calls his own. Oh, that I wouldn't forget these moments of praise and extreme delight as the Lord of this Universe turns his attention toward us and lavishly pours grace and mercy over us. Praise the Lord that in all moments He is God and has sovereignly ordained and designed each step taken.

In His Grip,

Jen Tarr