I finally sent out my prayer letters! What a blessing, it fills me up with excitement for what is to come! Here is a copy of the prayer letter I sent out...
Happy New Year! I hope that this letter finds you at the beginning of a wonderful and joy-filled new year! What an exciting time of anticipating what He is going to do and looking back at the work the Lord has accomplished. And what a year it has been! These last few weeks, I have been continuously reminded of the blessings over the past year as the Lord has answered so many long term prayers of my family. We are very blessed indeed!
This next year will also be filled with exciting opportunities and events. In May I am graduating from Liberty University with a dual major in Elementary and Special Education with a Middle School History Endorsement. Praise the Lord for bringing me to this point! Last year, I spent a lot of time in prayer, searching for what the Lord would have me do after graduation. I have had many wonderful opportunities while at Liberty and have grown and been stretched to deeper dependence on the Lord. While I still have much to learn, I am thankful for Liberty and all that I have experienced; most importantly, that I have grown in my walk with God and in spiritual maturity. Through this, the Lord has brought me on an unexpected path. As I looked at what was to come after college the Lord opened doors and placed a passion in my heart for South Asia.
After much prayer and guidance, the Lord has confirmed in me the desire to go to South Asia. I have joined the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) and will be joining a team in South Asia for two years in August. I will be teaching Middle School History in a school for native children; both middle class and orphaned street children. I am so excited for the opportunity to go to the other side of the world to give students an education. Most importantly, I am excited to share with them about the Savior who died for them, Jesus Christ. I cannot begin to express the changes and desires of my heart as the Lord brings the date of my leaving closer and closer.
With that, I am writing you to ask you to be a part of my team of prayer warriors. God has continuously impressed upon me over the years the gift and power of prayer, and I would consider it a great honor if you would include me in your prayers as I continue on in this journey.
· Please pray that God would prepare the hearts of both me and those in South Asia.
· Pray that God would use me to share His Name and His Glory!
· Pray that God would provide for my financial needs. (I have to raise about $40,000 to support my two years.)
· Pray that God would prepare the heart of his people to spread the gospel in South Asia.
Thank you for your prayer support as it is greatly coveted! If the Lord would lay it on your heart to contribute to my financial need, you can give through www.abwe.org/give or by sending to ABWE Donor Services, PO Box 8585, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8585.