Today I went to start the beginning of my shots for South Asia. The shots were not too much in quantity. I needed Hepatitis A, Typhoid, and Rabies; but the cost for these 3 shots came close to $5,000. This is a huge chunk for my means... but He is always faithful to provide. He works in ways that we can't even imagine.
I arrived with my mom at the Apothecary to pick up the shots before I went to the travel clinic to have them administered. They took our insurance card. After quite a while of waiting... the nurse called us with a shocked look on her face. She informed us that our insurance covered the cost of traveling immunizations 100%. I shouted "Praise the Lord;" which left an equally shocked face on the nurse. The other nurse told us, equally shocked, that she had never seen these shots covered by insurance companies before! So we left with our shots; having paid $0.
What the nurse didn't realize was that we serve a God that goes beforehand and prepares the way for us to walk in. What the nurse didn't know was that God had moved my parents to change our insurance plan a year ago (just before anything happened with South Asia). What we didn't realize was that God would use that to cover my shots today. And what I didn't realize was how such a simple yet incredible act of God; would remind of how much He loves us and works out the details of our lives. Praise Him for caring about the details.
"We will remember, we will remember
We will remember the works of Your hands
We will stop and give you praise
For Great is your Faithfulness!
Hallelujah, hallelujah
To the one from whom all blessings flow
Hallelujah, hallelujah
To the one who glory has been shown."
Tommy Walker- We will Remember