As graduation quickly approached and passed these past weeks, I was filled with the strangest emotions of sadness while saying goodbye but excitement that it was one less thing between me and South Asia. As I sat there during commencement; I thought back to the last four years. I am so thankful for every circumstance that I faced throughout those years. My relationship with the Lord has grown more than I knew was possible. I have been stretched, challenged, and refined through my years. While I know there is still lots of growing to do, I can't help thinking that these years of incubator learning are over. The friends I have made will always be a huge part of my experiences at Liberty- I am so thankful for the incredible blessing of those I have met. If I had known at the start of my freshman year what the next four years would hold, I would have realized I had reason to be nervous but not to be anxious. The next years would prove to me that God is faithful! That God is trustworthy! He is Sovereign! His Timing is Perfect! And that It is ALL for His Glory!!
Looking back, reminds me of just how faithful He is... even when I don't know or understand He was still working for His own glory! As I leave my world at Liberty and look to a new adventure, I take comfort and joy in knowing that as circumstances, people, and life changes- He will never Change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. Last year I was challenged by my pastor to not allow these last years be my greatest years in this life, but rather for it to be just the beginning of a wonderful journey serving the Lord. So I leave Liberty with a little more knowledge, a little more wisdom, and a little more understanding for what will come- the beginning of a journey that He has already written.
Always in His Grip...